Mistakes happen and more often than you think. If you discover a mistake in the entry of a match score, or in the player(s) entered on TennisLink, you cannot correct this yourself – you will need to notify the League Coordinator to make the needed changes.
Scores must be posted and verified within 48 hours of a match.
In order to help avoid the need for score corrections:
- Captains should print out a blank scorecard and bring it to the match.
- Players should report the scores o their captain immediately after their match is completed.
- Captains should compare scorecards after the match is completed and sign each others scorecard. If you cannot stay until the end, appoint someone from your team to make sure your scorecard agrees with the opponents.
- The player’s full names and their final match scores, including who won, must be clearly marked on your sheet. Circle the name of the winning player(s) and write the individual match scores from the winner(s) perspective.
If you find an error, you can select the “dispute” option in Tennislink. Keep in mind, this option does not immediately notify the coordinator of the dispute nor does it provide the necessary information as to why the match entry is being disputed.
To request a correction to match score:
Contact the other captain to verify that you are both in agreement with the correction.
Email the League Coordinator with the following information:
- Match number
- Correction needed
- Include the other captain on the email to confirm you are both in agreement
For additional questions e-mail: Susan Brodeur at